Etty Hillesum: Everything is Beautiful

What's included:

🖥 4 Modules

🖥 A Quotes Workbook

🖥 A Recommended Reading List

🖥 Meet the Mystic Summary

🖥 Video recording

🖥 Downloadable class transcript

🖥 Renowned Guest Speaker


“All I want to say is this: The misery here is quite terrible; and yet, late at night when the day has slunk away into the depths behind me, I often walk with a spring in my step along the barbed wire

And then time and again, it soars straight from my heart—I can’t help it, that’s just the way it is, like some elementary force—the feeling that life is glorious and magnificent, and that one day we shall be building a whole new world."‍


On March 9th, 1941 in enemy occupied Holland, a young Dutch Jewish student named Etty Hillesum began a diary that was to become one of the most remarkable documents to emerge from the Nazi Holocaust. 


The diary tells the story of a young woman being transformed from chaos and insecurity to beauty and self-giving.


Etty had an unusual path for a mystic:

  • She emerged from a tumultuous home, with fighting parents and schizophrenic and bipolar brothers 
  • As a young adult, she restlessly moved nearly every year, picking up lovers as she went
  • Her path to contemplation came neither through her Jewish roots nor through any other religion, but through Jungian psychology and the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke


By the time the Nazis threw her in the transit camps, en route to Auschwitz, a fellow prisoner described Etty as “radiant.”


How did this transformation happen?


In the midst of a terror-ridden Europe, how did Etty find hope?


How was she able to look into the face of a Nazi officer and find love? Or find the strength to comfort wailing, bereft mothers?


As shells fly on the edges of Europe again, her life feels more relevant than ever.